My biggest excuse to others and myself was that I had writer's block, as if it was some kind of illness. Mary Garden

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

#36 - I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. Jimmy Dean


If I could command the wind
and enforce it to be still,
perhaps this life would be easy,
more calming and less of a thrill.

If I could command emotions
removing what makes us cry,
relationships would be smoother,
but would limit the reasons to try.

If I could command the outcome
of quieting storms to a lull,
the future would hold no surprises.
The highway of life would be dull.

So I don’t want command of tomorrow
or to walk in a set, rigid line.
The bumps in the road can be dealt with
when the good and the bad are entwined.

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